Bus Ministry

The Richlands Tabernacle started a bus ministry in March of 2012. The Lord was dealing with two individuals separately in the church over a bus ministry. They each approached pastor Ralph Horton and he allowed them to start taking the bus to pick up children and bring them to church. The ministry exploded and was blessed by the Lord. Every Sunday the children get hot homemade biscuits and a hot sack lunch to go home with. More importantly, they are fed from God’s Word and shown the love of God. If you have a child and would like for them to be picked up for church in the Richland’s area please call 276-971-6443 or 276-971-2655.

  1. Purpose of a Bus Ministry

A.  To carry out the Great Commission and Winning people to Jesus Christ

B.  To have any other reason, will not have God’s blessings, it would be man’s creation 
             rather than God’s.

C.  Wrong reasons include:
             1.  To feel sorry for the children
             2.  To have a bus ministry because others in your denomination or area has one.
             3.  To please a member of your church who may strongly feel the church should have

  II Pros of having a Bus Ministry.

        A.  To reach the unchurched children and their families and bring them to church.
        B.  Attempt to boost your numbers in Sunday School, children’s ministries, and youth.
        C.  The process of influencing other family members through your ministry for
              children.  (Reaching the parents through their children)
        D.  Goal is to have “whole” families saved through the means of transporting them to
        E.  Homes can be “transformed” through the means of winning them to the Lord.
        F.  Riders can grow up to become workers and leaders in the church.