
You may contact personnel of the school at (276) 971-6443 or (276) 971-2655

We always have so much fun. Scroll for more pictures.

The school enjoys participating in as many outreach opportunities as possible.


The objective in building a church affiliated school is to obey the Scriptural imperatives of Deuteronomy 6:5-7a, “And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.  And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children,…” and of Proverbs 22:6 to train up a child (you, the student) in THE way he SHOULD go.  Teaching is training.  Training for life must include training for eternity.

A Christian school is an extension of the Christian home in training young people in a Christian environment for time and eternity.  The school faculty and staff work closely with parents to train the whole child.

Attendance at this school is a privilege and not a right.  The goals of this school are not to reform but to train Christian youth in the highest principles of Christian leadership, self-discipline, individual responsibility, personal integrity, and good citizenship.  This school stands without apology for the old-time Gospel and the highest standards of morality and Christian behavior.

Statement of Purpose

 R.T.C.A exists for two reasons:
To provide students with the highest quality of academic instruction possible and to challenge them to achieve their potential in learning and applying that instruction.
To provide Bible-based spiritual instruction, direction, and challenge to each student to equip them to be faithful and obedient disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Both of these purposes are vital to the mission of R.T.C.A., forming the strong academic foundation that is necessary to “love the Lord with all your heart and mind”. A strong spiritual foundation is also essential for utilizing the mind appropriately to carry out the will of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Biblical principles are the standard by which all aspects of the school are determined – academics, policy, discipline, and social and extracurricular activities. Teachers have the authority and the freedom to teach the Truth, absolute moral principles, Christian heritage, creationism, God’s gift of language, stewardship and orderliness in mathematics, appreciation of the arts, and discipline in caring for God’s temple. Administration, teachers, and parents are mutually accountable to one another in order to successfully achieve this purpose.

Vision Statement

By offering a challenging, college-preparatory education grounded on the principles of the Bible, R.T.C.A. seeks to prepare young people to live full and productive lives. Our goal is not only to provide a strong academic foundation for college, but also to offer firm Christian perspective for life. By joining with parents, R.T.C.A. desires to form a partnership with the home in providing young men and women with a strong biblical foundation and a network of Christian relationships. Our desire is to help train up a generation of godly leaders who love learning and are sought after for their wisdom. “Pursuing Excellence for the Glory of God…with Our Minds, with Our Talents, and with Our Lives” is the basis for the entire school program.

Teaching Philosophy

In all its levels, programs, and teachings, R.T.C.A. seeks to:

  • Teach all subjects as parts of an integrated whole with the Scriptures at the center (2 Timothy 3:16-17);
  • Provide a clear model of the biblical Christian life through our staff (Matthew 22:37-40);
  • Encourage every student to begin and develop his relationship with God the Father through Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 19:13-15);
  • Utilize a classical model of education.

Christ-Centered Approach

Christianity has been such an integral part of the history and development of Western civilization that anything other than an education centered on the person of Jesus Christ fails in what it purports to be. R.T.C.A. holds that all truth is God’s truth “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching…” (II Timothy 3:16). We seek to reveal in all subjects the significance of historical Christianity and the teachings of the scriptures in ways which are natural and not contrived. Our intent is to provide a clear model of the Christian life and a biblical world view through our staff, and volunteers so that every child is encouraged to develop a genuine and meaningful relationship with God through the person of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to foster the culture and environment of a Christian community which is inclusive.

Distinctively Christian

R.T.C.A. provides an education that fully integrates the Word of God into its substantive curriculum and teaches that all life, knowledge and meaning extend from the Creator. Our Christianity is more than simply a religion PACE among many other PACES; it is a commitment to present the Lord as the One in whom all knowledge is united. Central to this is the view that all subjects, be they history, art, music, mathematics, or science, must be taught in the light of God’s existence and His revelation to humanity through His son, Jesus Christ.

The school participates in many community service events every year.